Imagine if teenagers in all of our churches truly gained an understanding of what it means to be "radically involved in the mission of God." To be radical for God's mission is to live to the extreme or above the ordinary in effort to advance the kingdom of God. WMU provides resources to help guide students to a greater understanding of God's work in the world and how they can join Him in His work. We are here to support you whether you lead a missions small group or simply want ideas to engage the world.

Youth on Mission® is the missions organization of WMU® for coed students ages 12-18 or grades 7-12. Students are offered opportunities to learn what the Bible says about missions, and they are taught how other cultures experience God. Youth on Mission tells what missionaries are doing around the world to share Christ with others. Involving students in doing the work of missions helps them understand that the world is bigger than their own community.

How does missions involvement change lives?

Students will learn how God is at work in the world through mission stories. Teenagers will be able to learn how to develop a lifestyle of missions and have a daily reminder that life isn't all about them. Missions involvement will provide an opportunity for students to broaden their worldview and apply what they learn to Christian ideals. Students will be able to learn how to apply the Bible to their lives and understand more about God's mission in the world. Youth on Mission® gives teenagers a safe environment to explore God-given gifts and use those gifts for His glory. Teenagers will also be given the opportunity to learn about serving others through participating in ministry and missions projects. They will also be provided an environment where leaders serve as role models and mentors. This level of missions education will encourage students to provide outreach to the community, the church and non-churched families.

To learn more about Youth on Mission®, please visit National WMU's websites at and

"My group not only has the opportunity to learn about missionaries serving God around the world, but we actually get involved in our community and our world and we do some really cool missions projects that allow us to be Christ to others. I love when I have the opportunity to be used by God to serve and meet the needs of others."

Interested in starting a missions small group at your church? Find out if you qualify for the 50% discount for your basic material today!

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Looking for some ways that you can make a difference right now? Well, we believe God is calling you to do exactly that! We know that there is a power within each teenager to change the world. You can allow this power to work through you to change your life, your community, and your world for Jesus Christ.

Check out more ideas here...

To order resources for Youth on Mission, please visit National WMU's web store at

You can search their website by age-level organization or by WMU® category.

Please note that your order will be coming from National WMU® in Birmingham, Alabama.

contact us

Teri Ussery

Missional Lifestyle Strategist for Preschool, Children, Youth and Young Adults
Email Teri