When you were a child did you play the word association game? Someone says a word and you respond with the first thought that comes to your mind. What words prompt you to pray?
Compared to our country, National WMU is much younger…only 132 years old (WMU of Texas is 140 years old). As we reflect on WMU and how we carry out missions discipleship, we can see change. Some good, some not so good, but we can learn from it all!
We've all had some challenging circumstances or difficulties in life. Even in the midst of chaos or in difficult places, God continues to open the door for us to serve. It is up to us to remain connected to the source of our strength so that we can press forward.
As we watch the news, read about and experience the turmoil our country is going through, who is God calling you to be? Please watch as Tamiko Jones, our Executive Director-Treasurer, shares a perspective. How is God speaking to your heart?
Jesus, who commanded us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves, is interested in our cultural intelligence, or how well we relate to people of different cultures. Furthermore, if we are to obey his command to make disciples of all people, then ...
As I was thinking of our Mary Hill Davis Offering theme this year, I typed into my phone the words, “Speak Out for Jesus”. It brought up a poem with that very name by an unknown poet. It began by saying...
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