Preschool: Mission Friends®

Mission Friends® is a preschool missions discipleship group for babies through kindergarten. Preschoolers learn about mission workers and their areas of ministry through stories, games, songs, and other fun activities.

How to Start a Mission Friends Group:

  • Begin with prayer: Make prayer a part of each step in starting and leading Mission Friends.
  • Download starter pack: Download a sample of the Mission Friend curriculum.
  • Contact WMU of Texas: Contact the WMU of Texas Age-Level Strategist to learn more about updates, resources, and leadership training for Mission Friends leaders and volunteers.
  • Register WMU group: Select the link below to register your new WMU group with the state office.
  • Select leaders: Based on the number of preschoolers expected, secure the number of leaders you will need.
  • Order materials: Place your order for Mission Friends material by visiting the WMU store.
  • Invite preschoolers: Let parents of preschoolers know Mission Friends is starting by sharing in your church newsletter and social media.

We're Here To Help. Contact Us.

The WMU of Texas team is available to answer any questions you may have about WMU or our age-level curriculum. Please feel free to contact us for consultations, resources, workshops, and more.

Marisol Sandoval
Age-Level Strategist
WMU of Texas
(214) 828-5158

WMU of Texas
10325 Brockwood Rd.
Dallas, Texas 75238
(214) 828-5150

©2024 WMU of Texas. All rights reserved.