Multicultural WMU

WMU of Texas desires to walk alongside you as you lead your multicultural group in missions efforts. We know that God is at work in the lives of many across Texas who are coming together to share about missions and empower others to do missions.

Multicultural WMU of Texas Groups: Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, and Laotian.

Getting Started Guide

How to Start a Multicultural WMU Group:

  • Begin With Prayer: Involve church leadership in seeking direction for starting a new group.
  • Contact WMU of Texas: Contact the WMU of Texas Multicultural Specialist to learn more about updates, resources, and leadership training specifically for multicultural groups.
  • Determine The Focus: Many groups often focus their involvement around a feature in the Missions Mosaic magazine by National WMU, such as a missionary spotlight or Bible study. Groups may also meet around common mission project interests.
  • Identify Leaders: Identify a group leader and others willing to lead. Provide leadership development by attending a WMU leadership training event.
  • Select & Order materials: Review available resources and choose the best one for your group. We encourage each group member to subscribe to Missions Mosaic to help them grow in their knowledge of missions.
  • Schedule Time To Meet: Check your calendar to find the best time and location to meet.
  • Promote: Invite all women to attend through personal contacts, email, social media, or flyers.

Snapshot of Multicultural Groups in Action:


Vietnamese churches are taking missions discipleship material for children and incorporating games, stories, and activities into what they are already doing in their children’s ministries. Peer learning is occurring as leaders share with one another what is working for their churches.


Women from Laotian churches across Texas come together at the WMU of Texas Annual Meeting and Missions Celebration to learn, fellowship, and grow together. The excitement they have is taken back to their churches and shared with others.

We're Here To Help. Contact Us.

The WMU of Texas team is available to answer any questions you may have about WMU or our age-level curriculum. Please feel free to contact us for consultations, resources, workshops, and more.

Joyce Porto
Missional Lifestyle Strategist for Multicultural
(469) 405-1638

WMU of Texas
10325 Brockwood Rd.
Dallas, Texas 75238
(214) 828-5150

©2024 WMU of Texas. All rights reserved.