Christian Women's & Men's Job Corps

Christian Women’s Job Corps® (CWJC) and Christian Men’s Job Corps® (CMCJ) seeks to equip women and men, in a Christian context, for life and employment. Through these two vibrant ministries, participants gain self-confidence, purpose, direction, and hope for the future.

Through the 43 CWJC/CMJC sites in Texas, lives are impacted through high school equivalency diploma preparation classes, English as a second language classes, computer training, Bible study, mentoring, and job readiness skills.

Future Site Leaders

How To Start a CWJC/CMJC Site

Benefits of being a registered/certified site

  • Use of the CWJC/CMJC Logos.
  • One free CWLC Leadership Course during the certification period.
  • Access to quarterly webinars.
  • Access to zoom discussions.
  • Digital access for two years to Missions Mosaic.
  • Ability to apply for scholarships, grants, and awards from the WMU Foundation. (Certified Sites Only)
  • Annual Retreat for site leaders
  • Bi-weekly email newsletter, with links to resources that are beneficial to sites.
  • Opportunity to register as a Compassion Ministries Connections partner.

Current Site Leaders

We Would Love to Hear From You

The WMU of Texas team is available to answer any questions you may have about WMU or our age-level curriculum. Please feel free to contact us for consultations, resources, workshops, and more.

Chris Rowley
CWJC/CMJC State Consultant
WMU of Texas
(737) 280-8660

WMU of Texas
10325 Brockwood Rd.
Dallas, Texas 75238
(214) 828-5150

©2024 WMU of Texas. All rights reserved.