We are excited and thankful you are interested in being a part of the Pursue Volunteer Team.
Please read through the areas of interest below to decide where your talents would fit best, then select the volunteer form button to submit your request.
Once the form is completed we will send additional details by email. If you do not see the email from us in your inbox, please check your spam folder.
See you in April!
- WMU of Texas Team
Phone: 214.828.5150
Email: wmutx[at]texasbaptists.org
Greet and direct participants as they arrive at the entrance doors. At the conclusion of the event, gather at the exits to thank participants for attending.
Check-in participants and exhibitors as they arrive. Must have some computer and Internet experience.
Greet and assist participants with information and directions to various workshops, events, meetings, and other activities.
Host your assigned table. Sit at their table a few minutes before the banquet begins, and help facilitate the conversation throughout the dinner using the provided icebreakers.
Assist WMU of Texas state staffer with answering questions and directing participants to resources inside of your assigned booth area. If requested by the state staffer, this volunteer may be responsible for giving presentations to booth visitors during the scheduled WMU Experience tours.
Help maintain and organize the exhibit hall storage area holding all materials and hardware used for Pursue. This person would also be responsible for finding and distributing materials upon request.
Transport assigned Pursue special guests to/from the hotel, airport, and church in your personal vehicle. Mileage will be reimbursed (W-9, ACH banking form, and reimbursement will need to be completed). Note: Your phone number will be shared with the special guest for communications.
Stuff Pursue 2024 bags on Thursday, April 18 with giveaways and handouts.
Distribute Pursue bags and t-shirts to registered participants after they check in at registration.
Assists participants with the purchase of WMU of Texas t-shirts. Must have some computer experience and be comfortable with managing a cash box and/or card reader for credit card payments.
Ensures facilitators have water before each session. Ensures the facilitator has everything they need. Counts the total number of participants in each session. Give the facilitator a 10-minute warning before the end of their session.
Help answer questions about Pursue and the location of workshops and events.
Distribute translation equipment to Spanish-speaking participants. Bi-lingual speakers are preferred.
Assist the WMU of Texas team with setting up and breaking down the convention center for Pursue.
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