WMU Devotionals

41 - 50 of 52 articles

Devotional: Deep in the Heart of Texas

by Earl Ann Bumpus on September 13, 2020 in WMU of Texas Blog

Texas is a BIG state, but our God is BIGGER and there is room for everyone in His family. It is exciting and challenging to be a part of God’s plan for Texas. We can join together to pray, give, and get involved in reaching our state for Christ.

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Devotional: Give of Your Best to the Master

by Earl Ann Bumpus on September 6, 2020 in WMU of Texas Blog

There is a great hymn I remember singing in church growing up, “Give of Your Best to the Master.” I have missed singing that in recent years, and wonder why it disappeared from our hymnal.

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Devotional: School Days, School Days

by Earl Ann Bumpus on August 30, 2020 in WMU of Texas Blog

I have a prayer reminder for the beginning of each school year that encourages me to P.A.S.S.Pray Always for Students and Staff. Whenever you see a school, a bus, or even school supplies, let those become prayer prompts as a reminder to pray.

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Devotional: In Uncertain Times, What Do I Do?

by Earl Ann Bumpus on August 23, 2020 in WMU of Texas Blog

While reading my Bible this week, I camped in Psalms 61-63. With so much uncertainty around us, I could identify with David and how he was feeling when he said, “Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer” (Psalm 61:1).

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Devotional: Praying The News

by Earl Ann Bumpus on August 17, 2020 in WMU of Texas Blog

Instead of avoiding the news, let us use new stories as prayer prompts to pray through the news.

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Devotional: A Lesson from the Zinnias

by Earl Ann Bumpus on August 9, 2020 in WMU of Texas Blog

The Lord is the source of all our hope. As we look to Him, He will give us hope. Even as we age or feel worn out, we can still have hope!

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Devotional: God Notices

by Earl Ann Bumpus on July 26, 2020 in WMU of Texas Blog

Jesus said, “Even a sparrow does not fall without God’s notice” (Matthew 10:29). As one preacher said last year, “God is a pallbearer at the funeral of every sparrow!” What a great reminder. God notices each of us when we fall and He values each of us far more than the sparrow.

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Devotional: Wake Up

by Earl Ann Bumpus on July 19, 2020 in WMU of Texas Blog

Alarm clocks, including the app on our phone, always get our attention to something important. Whether it’s waking us up or getting us moving, it gets our attention for something important. It is time to set our alarms to WAKE UP and SPEAK UP about our faith!

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Devotional: Prayer Prompts

by Earl Ann Bumpus on July 12, 2020 in WMU of Texas Blog

When you were a child did you play the word association game? Someone says a word and you respond with the first thought that comes to your mind. What words prompt you to pray?

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Devotional: Our Response

by Earl Ann Bumpus on July 7, 2020 in WMU of Texas Blog

Compared to our country, National WMU is much younger…only 132 years old (WMU of Texas is 140 years old). As we reflect on WMU and how we carry out missions discipleship, we can see change. Some good, some not so good, but we can learn from it all!

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