WMU of Texas Blog

21 - 30 of 107 articles

Why Hispanic Heritage Month is Important to Christians

by Ruth Mendoza on October 14, 2021 in WMU of Texas Blog

It is during this time of the year that many Hispanics think about their freedom and independence as well as life after death. As Christians, we have the responsibility of presenting Jesus as the only way, truth, and life and as the only access we have to our Heavenly Father.

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Be Still

by Earl Ann Bumpus on October 14, 2021 in WMU of Texas Blog

I don’t know about you, but it seems like I’m finding myself going in several directions at once lately. What about you? Here are a few words to bring inner peace back to your soul.

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by Earl Ann Bumpus on October 5, 2021 in WMU of Texas Blog

It is far better to be chosen by God than people. His love for us provides the example of how to live our lives in love and reflect His love to others. Our purpose is to love others and share Christ as we go each day.

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by Earl Ann Bumpus on September 22, 2021 in WMU of Texas Blog

With our world in the condition it is in, I want to share a few quotes and thoughts I have come across to get us thinking about the importance of continuing to grow our relationship with Christ.

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WMU of Texas Hurricane Ida Relief

by Brandi Jones on September 15, 2021 in WMU of Texas Blog

Learn how your WMU of Texas group can support Louisiana churches impacted by Hurricane Ida.

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We Must Do Something!

by Earl Ann Bumpus on September 15, 2021 in WMU of Texas Blog

It may not be easy or convenient, but Christ has given us our “marching orders” to not be idle but to be His hands, feet, and voice to our hurting state.

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My Responsibility, Now

by Earl Ann Bumpus on September 8, 2021 in WMU of Texas Blog

The call is now for all Texas Baptists to join together. I Am Texas Missions! What will you do?

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Praying for Your Child from Head to Toe

by Earl Ann Bumpus on September 1, 2021 in WMU of Texas Blog

This can be a great year if we are faithful to pray for our children, grandchildren, and all children from head to toe!

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Praying The News

by Earl Ann Bumpus on August 26, 2021 in WMU of Texas Blog

If you read or listen to today’s news, you know how crucial it is for us to pray now! Here's how you can use the news as prayer prompts.

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Who Me?

by Earl Ann Bumpus on August 19, 2021 in WMU of Texas Blog

It seems there are so many distractions in our world today that it may be hard to hear God calling. When we hear Him, how will we respond?

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