1 Samuel 3 tells the story of the Lord calling Samuel. As a young boy, Samuel was serving God in the temple under the direction of Eli the priest. Keep in mind that during this time, visions were rare, and hearing from the Lord was uncommon.
Eli was already asleep and Samuel was in bed when he heard someone call his name, “Samuel, Samuel.” Because Eli was getting old and couldn’t see or get around well, Samuel ran to Eli and answered, “Here I am, you called me.” Eli said that he didn’t call and sent the boy back to bed.
After three times, Eli realized that it was the Lord who was calling young Samuel. Eli sent Samuel back to bed instructing him that if God calls again to answer, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” He did just as he was told and then God told Samuel of His plan.
God has a plan for each of us. Are we listening? It seems there are so many distractions in our world today that it may be hard to hear God calling. When we hear Him, how will we respond? Will we respond with a “killer phrase” like:
It’s not my responsibility!
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks!
We tried that before
That will never fly
It’s not in the budget
Mary Hill Davis spoke in Waco in 1916 saying: “Near to you is a great opportunity; what are you going to do with it? It may be but a humble task, filling the waterpots with water, one of which the world will never know but fill them to the brim. Do your best. Nothing else matters. God knows.”
Then in Dallas, in1917, Mary Hill Davis said: “No man or woman can sit idly by with folded hands and witness with indifference the great tragedy that shall make history, unmake nations, and remake the map of the world.”
The next time God calls you, how will you respond?
Written by WMU of Texas President Earl Ann Bumpus
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