Summer Camps Are Building Blocks in Our Walk

by Derinda Williams on May 22, 2023 in WMU of Texas Blog

My earliest memories of summer missions camp are glimpses of swimming, campfire, crafts, worship, fun, friends, and new experiences. Memories of camp at Floydada in the late sixties embrace one of my favorite camp slogans: “It’s more than just fun, it’s life-changing.” As a first grader, I experienced the fun and the life-changing presence of the Holy Spirit teaching the tender heart of a child. With my dad being a pastor and my mother as my Girls in Action leader, I continued to learn and grow, asking Jesus to be my Savior as an 8-year-old. Childhood camp experiences led to camp at Riverbend as a nineteen-year-old taking seven girls to missions camp. Again, experiencing the fun and more than just fun, leading five girls to Christ. Camp changes lives. It changed mine - resulting in years of camp ministry.

Why Camps Are Important To Me

Remembering the life-changing impact of camp helps me understand the importance of camp for today’s kids. Today I serve alongside leaders of ADVENTURE KIDS Missions Journey Camp: a camp inspiring kids to follow Jesus through missions discipleship, and adventure. Kids love adventure! Spending a week enjoying God’s creation, kids disconnect from the noise of everyday life. In the quiet, kids connect to the truths of God. Camp is filled with new adventures, making friends, and experiencing new and action-packed activities - zipping off a 45-foot platform or jumping on a “Blob” at the waterfront. Fun opens the hearts of kids to hear God’s voice speaking to their hearts. In the adventure, discipleship, and quietness of camp, lives are changed giving the camp a special place in my heart.

Why Camps Are Important For Kids

Camp can change your life! Camp ministry develops leadership, builds relationships, inspires teamwork, deepens friendships, and provides enriching opportunities. The life-changing presence of the Holy Spirit guides and equips for ministry. God has many ways of using each of us in camp ministry: taking the kids in your ministry to camp, giving to send a kid to camp, praying for kids’ lives to be changed, and allowing our life to be changed. That’s the dual life-changing impact of camp. Your involvement in summer missions camp makes a difference in the lives of today’s kids and future generations. Do you hear His voice?


Derinda Williams serves as the consultant for Tarrant Baptist Association, Girls in Action Community group, and Children in Action.

To learn more about WMU summer camps in Texas for children and students, contact Age-Level Strategist Marisol Sandoval at Marisol.wmutx[at] or (214) 828-5158.

Read more articles in: WMU of Texas Blog, The Bridge Magazine


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