You may be wondering -- the middle of what?
As one who is called to be a disciple-maker, God always challenges me to be in the middle relationally. He has placed people along my journey who are a little further down the road than me. I find these friends to be great encouragers and people who help me grow in my journey with the Lord.
Then He has put young adults in my path who haven't walked as long or far as I have. I know the Holy Spirit's urging when He tells me to spend time pouring into their journey. While receiving encouragement might be easy for us, sometimes being the disciple-maker can feel overwhelming.
So here are some suggestions as you journey in the middle and disciple the next generation of Christ-followers.
Missional discipleship is a lifestyle, not a program. So when you think of being a disciple-maker for the next generation, consider the relationships God wants to build in your life, and let Him lead you on the journey.
Written by Teri Ussery, WMU of TexasAdults and Young Adults Strategist
Visit HERE to connect with Teri Ussery or learn about the discipleship resources available at WMU of Texas for young adults.
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