Rethinking Thinking

by Jackie Faughn on February 20, 2024 in WMU of Texas Blog

As an educator, my job has been to lead others, whether students or teachers, to think. I’ve used the term “reading is thinking” more times than I can count. I am reading a book titled Think Again by Adam Grant and the premise of the book is to challenge us to rethink how we think.

He points out that we quickly rethink our wardrobe and home décor as styles and trends change. I look in my closet and notice that some items are outdated and either move them to the back of the closet, hoping they make a return or discard them. I upgrade my phone or computer because I want to have the most efficient tools for communicating and working in today’s culture. However, it is much harder for us to rethink our knowledge, opinions, or systems.

Grant says, “We favor the comfort of conviction over the discomfort and doubt, and we let our beliefs get brittle long before our bones. We listen to views that make us feel good, instead of ideas that make us think hard.” Ouch.

He goes on to point out that questioning or rethinking makes the world more unpredictable which leads to all kinds of emotions such as uncertainty, anxiety, and fear. We hang on tightly to views because they are a part of us and may threaten our identity. We prefer hanging on to views and systems because it is easier than acknowledging shifts are needed.

From my perspective, I see implications for our beloved WMU organization. WMU is a part of my identity and is for many of you as well. We are champions for missions. Rethinking and changing systems makes us feel like we are losing a part of ourselves and who we are. And those emotions are real. Remodel the kitchen, yes. Redecorate with modern themes, yes. Offer different options for missions discipleship, now wait a minute, why would we do that?

We naturally resist moving from what we consider comfortable. We are comfortable in the structures and systems that have molded us into women and students who strongly believe in taking the Gospel of Jesus to the world. We are committed to service, prayer, and giving. These core beliefs are unchanging because they are grounded in Scripture. How we provide opportunities for missions discipleship is wide open to new possibilities.

We are on a journey to consider additional opportunities for missions discipleship in the church and community of believers. My prayer is that you join me, and WMU of Texas staff and leadership, as we explore and expand missions discipleship across generations. Are you with me?


Written by WMU of Texas President Jackie Faughn.

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