Introducing The 2016 National Acteen Panelists From Texas

by Vicky Hernandez, 2015 National Acteen Panelist on February 16, 2016 in WMU of Texas Blog

Every year, Woman's Missionary Union® chooses a handful of young women to serve as National Acteen Panelist. The girls that are chosen as Panelist obtain qualities that show leadership, serving hearts, and a strong relationship with Christ.

The 2016 National Acteen Panelist consists of three girls from the state of Texas. Hannah Hutton from Hyde Park Baptist Church in Austin, Jemima Louis from Tallowood Baptist Church in Houston, and Ana Sandoval from Freeman Heights Baptist Church in Garland.

As a former Panelist, I know that this opportunity will open many doors for these girls. Getting the chance to go to the national annual meeting will be an eye opening experience for them and they will retain so much new information regarding ministries, missions, social causes, and many more topics on which they can provide assistance.

These Acteens will serve as amazing role models for current Acteens and GA's, inspiring them in pursuing a mission filled life and serving God by any means possible. They portray the modern definition of a Proverbs 31 woman, which is what we should aspire to be as christian women. WMU of Texas is proud to have such spiritually strong young women like Hannah Hutton, Jemima Louis, and Ana Sandoval spread out throughout our state.

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