“Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God.” - Revelation 3:2
Alarm clocks, including the app on our phone, always get our attention to something important. Whether it’s waking us up or getting us moving, it gets our attention. It is time to set our alarms to WAKE UP and SPEAK UP about our faith! We cannot continue the status quo.
I just read an article about churches being burned across our nation. The reason is the opposition’s hatred for anything good. This sentiment is running rampant. It is time to WAKE UP!
It seems more every day what is right is now wrong and what is wrong is now right! How did it get that way? It seems that searching for truth is no longer of value. It is time to WAKE UP!
Watching the news, we see that rules are changing daily. Logic, in many ways, has flown out the window. Our lives as we have known them are rapidly changing, and life will not continue as it has always been. It is time to WAKE UP!
This week, I watched a pastor of a large church in the southeast say that they have decided to suspend in-person worship services for the remainder of the year. "We cannot guarantee your safety," he said. He went on to say that they will plan smaller in-person gatherings, taking into consideration all of the precautions. Additionally, the church will be updating its online and digital experiences to continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus in their community. It is time to WAKE UP!
We cannot put off being the church - but what can we do?
Pray. Pray for the leaders of our country. Pray for our churches and their leaders. Pray for all Christians to WAKE UP and realize that each of us must do our part, and not leave it to our church leaders to share Christ to a broken world.
Prepare. Use the time at home to read our Bibles more. Listen to quality sermons online from churches. Seek the Lord’s voice. Redeem your time with the Lord as if your life depends on it, because it does! Spend time reading Missions Mosaic articles to strengthen your spiritual life and to receive ministry ideas during these difficult times.
Plan. Be intentional as you plan what YOU can do to be the Lord’s hands and feet in your community Be positive - set aside time to write notes of encouragement to those in ministry or to the lonely. Isolation is not healthy! Know of someone in need? Find a way to meet that need.
Do. Put into action what you sense the Lord is asking you to do.
Written by WMU of Texas President Earl Ann Bumpus
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