We each have a story to tell; who we are, where we came from, what we do, what we are interested in, what we have done, and more. As a young child, I remember asking my grandparents and parents to “tell me another story!” Their stories were always interesting as they told me a memory or adventure from their childhood. It would make me dream and imagine what it might have been like had I been there too.
As a Christian, we have a Story to tell; the Story of God’s love for ALL people and how God sent His Son to save us from all our sin. (John 3:16) We need to keep His Story going by sharing it with everyone we meet. This is the most important story we can ever tell because everyone needs the opportunity to hear about and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
There is another story we need to tell; the story of WMU and its important role in sharing His Story with those around the world.
The stories of our 3,500+ IMB missionaries sharing their hearts, building relationships, and meeting needs with everyone they encounter in places most of us will never go.
The stories of our NAMB missionaries as they serve in North America…366 million people, 275 million are lost, and reaching out in 350 different languages.
The stories that need to be shared in all our Southern Baptist churches, from birth until death.
WMU provides the backbone of missions discipleship in our churches for ALL ages: preschoolers, children, students, and adults. WMU also encourages churchwide and community opportunities for ministry. How will we go if we do not know?
This week, February 8-14, is Focus on WMU in Southern Baptist churches. I encourage each of you to make certain that your church is including and strengthening ongoing missions discipleship in your church. WMU of Texas can help. You can reach the office by calling 214-828-5150 or by visiting www.wmutx.org.
Ask a member of WMU in your church to tell their story sharing why they are a part of WMU. It will cause you to ask them, “Tell me another story.”
“We are laborers together with God.” 1 Corinthians 3:9
Written by WMU of Texas President Earl Ann Bumpus
©2024 WMU of Texas. All rights reserved.