Coffee & Tea: A Disciple-Making Tool?

by Jackie Faughn on July 16, 2024 in WMU of Texas Blog

Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? Do you like both equally or one more than another? Some of you are saying out loud, “I like Dr. Pepper, not coffee or tea.” We all have our likes and preferences for beverages and foods. 

Let’s think about how something so simple as a beverage can be used in disciple-making. 

Meeting a friend in a common place for the purpose of sharing a beverage along with meaningful conversation can be the beginning of a disciple-making relationship. Today, adults and teens are much more comfortable meeting with someone in a casual setting versus someone asking them to commit to a study or meeting. 

Jot down a list of go-to places that have a seating area that allows for conversation. Write on your calendar times that you are available to meet with someone. Those times might not work out for you and a friend to meet but you have prioritized meeting with others when it is on your calendar. 

Who are some individuals that you want to get to know better, developing a relationship that focuses on spiritual conversations? Start calling or texting individuals and offer your time slots for meeting. It might take two, three, or more texts for a person to take you up on a meeting. Consistent texts show you care and are genuinely interested in getting to know them. Develop some simple conversation starters such as 

  • Tell me about your family. 
  • How long have you lived in the area? 
  • Tell me about your favorite book or movie. 
  • Do you like coffee or tea? 

Today, individuals crave relationships, and yet many have no idea how to develop meaningful relationships with others. Consider texting someone today asking them to join you for coffee, tea, or Dr. Pepper. Who knows where that one text will take you both in being obedient to the Lord and His purposes for us? 


Written by WMU of Texas President Jackie Faughn

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