Devotional: Broken and (to) Building

by Oza Jones on May 9, 2022 in WMU of Texas Blog

They said to me, “Those who survived the exile and are back in the province are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire.” When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven. Nehemiah 1:3-4

Pastor Shaun Raab, New Light Missionary Baptist Church (left), and Oza Jones, Director of Texas Baptists African American Ministries (right).

My heart sank as I drove up to the parking lot of the New Light Church in Dallas. I was meeting Pastor Shaun Rabb at his church just days after his entire church had burned to the ground. As I looked at the remains of this worship center, my eyes filled with tears, and my spirit was broken.

It reminded me of Nehemiah when Hanani told him the news that the people were in great distress. According to Nehemiah 1:3-10, the wall of Jerusalem had been broken down and its gates burned with fire.

It was at that moment the Lord gave me hope and encouragement amidst the brokenness. I considered the response of Nehemiah. He was broken and bothered concerning the condition of the city, and his burden led him to bend and bow in prayer. He took his hurt and sorrow to the Lord. Like Nehemiah, prayer should be our first response in our brokenness.

Nehemiah’s response to prayer leads him to building and bridging. Nehemiah seeks permission from the King to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He acquires the right tools, builds the right team, and God gives his project the right touch. Through the power of God, Nehemiah completes the wall in fifty-two days.

If you are broken today, God wants you to turn to Him. Allow Him to use you to build His Kingdom. Nehemiah isn’t clergy or a deacon. He is simply a cupbearer willing to be used by God through his brokenness.

Through your gifts to the Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions. Texas Baptists African American Ministries is able to support, train, and equip churches as they share the gospel in their communities. Learn more at

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