Are You Getting Ready for 2018 MHDO?

by Shirley McDonald, WMU of Texas President on July 20, 2018 in WMU of Texas Blog

As I was thinking of our Mary Hill Davis Offering theme this year, I typed into my phone the words, “Speak Out for Jesus”. It brought up a poem with that very name by an unknown poet. It began by saying that we can be so brave and bold in talking about our business and all worldly matters. It then asks the questions, “But why are you so silent about salvation’s plan? Why don’t you speak for Jesus? Are you ashamed of Jesus and the story of the cross? Did He die for you in vain? If not, then live and SPEAK OUT for Jesus.” Why is it easier to speak about the weather than Jesus Christ? For one thing, everyone agrees about the weather. Right now, everyone would agree that it is HOT! When we talk to people about Christ, we don’t know how they will react, so we are fearful. Yet, when we look at our Bible verses for our theme in 1 Peter 2:9-10, it should change our attitude. Peter is telling us that WE are the ones chosen by God to SPEAK OUT for Him. WE are his instruments to tell others of the night- and-day difference he made for us; the difference from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted. Knowing that, how can we not SPEAK OUT to let others know of what Christ has done for us. How can we not support an offering that allows us to SPEAK OUT for Christ through the many ministries of Texas Baptists. I am so thankful for those of you who will also SPEAK OUT in your churches in support of our Mary Hill Davis Offering and all it does to further the kingdom of God. You are his chosen instruments. It’s my prayer that we will not be able to be silent about salvation’s plan but that we will boldly tell of Christ’s love to everyone we meet. SPEAK OUT!

In Christ’s Love,

Shirley McDonald President WMU of Texas

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