Articles by Earl Ann Bumpus

21 - 30 of 48 articles

Where Do We Go from Here?

by Earl Ann Bumpus on April 28, 2021 in WMU of Texas Blog

With examples throughout the Bible of how the Lord is with us and helps us, and seeing the human example of Edison picking up the pieces and starting the next day, we learn that with Christ we can overturn our obstacles!

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Gratitude: Lessons from -6 Degrees

by Earl Ann Bumpus on February 28, 2021 in WMU of Texas Blog

None of us expected the recent snowstorm and power failure in Texas, but the experience revealed that we had a lot to be grateful for, even in the midst of difficulties.

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Devotional: Sharing Love

by Earl Ann Bumpus on February 14, 2021 in WMU of Texas Blog

Sunday, February 14 is Valentine’s Day. A time to focus on expressing our love to others. Do we really need a day to remind us to do this?

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Devotional: Telling Our Story

by Earl Ann Bumpus on February 8, 2021 in WMU of Texas Blog

As Christians and WMU leaders, we need to keep God's story going by sharing it with everyone we meet. This is the most important story we can ever tell because everyone needs the opportunity to hear about and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

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Devotional: We Pass This Way But Once

by Earl Ann Bumpus on January 31, 2021 in WMU of Texas Blog

In Galatians 6:10, Paul reminds us that we all have an opportunity to do good for all men. Are you ready to make a difference in the world today?

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Devotional: Tell the Generations

by Earl Ann Bumpus on January 24, 2021 in WMU of Texas Blog

With all that has been going on in our world lately, I am reminded of the words of instruction to Christians in Psalm 78:1-8. It is up to us to help preserve our Christian and family history and pass it on to our children and future generations or truth will be lost.

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Devotional: What do we do now?

by Earl Ann Bumpus on January 19, 2021 in WMU of Texas Blog

With all that is going around in our world right now, I cannot help but think, “What do we do now?” Here are some scriptures you may find comforting, encouraging, and hopeful.

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Devotional: What's Ahead For Us?

by Earl Ann Bumpus on January 8, 2021 in WMU of Texas Blog

Are you ready for God's plan for your life? In 2021, try these three things to make the most of your new year!

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Devotional: Welcome, 2021!

by Earl Ann Bumpus on December 31, 2020 in WMU of Texas Blog

Let us welcome 2021 with the hope, confidence, and optimism that Christ has given us! This year is a fresh start, a new beginning, with new opportunities to grow closer to Him and closer to others.

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Devotional: Press On

by Earl Ann Bumpus on December 23, 2020 in WMU of Texas Blog

This time of the year reminds me of Philippians 3:13b-14. Let us make the most out of today and these last few days of 2020. The great prize will be worth it!

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